Contact Us


Main Office – Truro

CRCC, 2 Princes Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2ES.
Tel: 01872 273952

Penzance Office

PCDT, The Penwith Centre, Parade Street, Penzance, TR18 4BU.
Tel: 01736 334686


This is a guide on accessing our main Truro office at 2 Princes Street and other useful information.

Parking: We are situated in the centre of Truro and because of this we do not have our own dedicated parking. There are disabled parking spaces at the bottom of Lemon Street and in Duke Street (at the back of our building). Customers with mobility problems can also be dropped off nearby using the loading bay opposite our building.

Accessing the premises: As a charity organisation CRCC are committed to providing services that are accessible to all. However, we regret that we do not have wheelchair access and please accept our sincere apologies for this unavoidable situation.

Assisted hearing facilities: We have a permanent hearing loop installed in our conference room and two portable hearing loops available for use elsewhere in the building.

Dogs: Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome in the building.

Events: When organising events, conferences, seminars and training, CRCC recognises the need to be inclusive and keeps this in mind whenever possible.

Equal Opportunities: We embrace the Equality Act 2010 and the protected Characteristics of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. We will strive to be fair and equal irrespective of your background or circumstances. We will always treat you with respect and dignity and only ask that you do the same.

Accessibility: CRCC has designed this website with disability legislation in mind. If you have any problem accessing information on this site, please contact us.

For queries on our other premises, please contact us.

Tell us your views

Your feedback is important to us and we are always interested in your suggestions on how we may improve our services.  If you would like to comment on our service good or bad, please write, phone or email on the contact details below.

If you wish to make a complaint more formally, concerns should initially be raised with the person you first had dealings with.  They will of course want to put it right and should be able to resolve most problems quickly and efficiently.

Taking your issue further

If you find you would like to take an issue further, please put your concerns in writing to Katherine Nissen, Acting Chief Executive.  Your complaint will be dealt with as soon as possible and we will let you know of any action we have taken. You can also contact Katherine via e-mail at 

2 Princes Street

01872 273952